Dancing Eyes Podcast
Others' Stories, Living with NystagmusMikey Sheennystagmus, Daily Life, Work life, Who is Mike, Walk for Wiggly Eyes, Eyes moving, England, Thank you, Travel, Poor eyesight, Simple tasks, Awareness, short sighted, Social skills, Social, Mikey, New Zealand, Australia, Tasmania, Charity, bike, podcast
Walk For Wiggly Eyes is back! Episode Five: Facts about Nystagmus
Video Series, Living with NystagmusMikey SheenAustralia, Tasmania, Walk for Wiggly Eyes, What is Nystagmus?, Awareness, low vision, eye care, Eyes moving, help, Head shake, Travel, Getting around, Knowledge, Facts, Gift of Sight, Nystagmus Network, nystagmus, Ride, Impact, Bicycle, Simple tasks, Daily Life, Drive, World shake, Donate, More information, glasses, Charity, Work life, blurry vision, Concentration, Driving, better tools, near sighted
Q&A Session 10: Does nystagmus impact you getting work in your field?
Q&A Sessions, Living with NystagmusMikey Sheennystagmus, short sighted, near sighted, Q&A, Questions, Answers, Nystagmus Network, Gift of Sight, Blind & Low Vision NZ, Walk for Wiggly Eyes, Awareness, glasses, More information, Head shake, World shake, Knowledge, Daily Life, Simple tasks, Poor eyesight, blurry vision, low vision, Getting around, Good friends, Good family, Social, Eyes moving, Social skills, Work life, Impact, Electronics, Driving, help, better tools, Eye strain, Don't let it stop you